PHP Classes in Pune
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a general-purpose programming language originally designed for web development. PHP is scripting language used to create dynamic and interactive HTML Web pages.A server processes PHP commands when a website visitor opens a page, then sends results to the visitor’s browser.
PHP Classes in Pune
PHP Course Syllabus
Introduction To PHP
- PHP Intro
- PHP Install
- PHP Syntax
- PHP Variables
- PHP Echo / Print
- PHP Data Types
- PHP Strings
- PHP Constants
- PHP Operators
- PHP Form Handling
- PHP Form Validation
- PHP Form Required
- PHP Form URL/E-mail
- PHP Form Complete
- PHP Form Handling
- Making Decisions
- Doing Repetitive task with looping
- Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
- PHP If…Else…Elseif
- PHP Switch
- PHP While Loops
- PHP For Loops
- What is a function
- Define a function
- Call by value and Call by reference
- Recursive function
- Creating and accessing String
- Searching & Replacing String
- Formatting String
- String Related Library function
- Anatomy of an Array
- Creating index based and Associative array
- Accessing array Element
- Looping with Index based array
- Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()
- Some useful Library function
- Understanding file& directory
- Opening and closing a file
- Coping ,renaming and deleting a file
- Working with directories
- Building a text editor
- File Uploading & Downloading
- Using query string(URL rewriting)
- Using Hidden field
- Using cookies
- Using session
- What is regular expression
- Pattern matching in Php
- Replacing text
- Splitting a string with a Regular Expression
- Introduction to RDBMS
- Connection with MySql Database
- Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
- Setting query parameter
- Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)
Generating Images with PHP
- Basics of computer Graphics
- Creating Image
- Manipulating Image
- Using text in Image
Advance PHP
Introduction to OOPS
- Introduction
- Objects
- Declaring a class
- The new keyword and constructor
- Destructor
- Access method and properties using $this variable
- Public ,private, protected properties and methods
- Static properties and method
- Class constant
- Inheritance & code reusability
- Polymorphism
- Parent:: & self:: keyword
- Instanceof operator
- Abstract method and class
- Interface
- Final
- Exception Handling
Exception Handling
- Understanding Exception and error
- Try, catch, throw
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Upcoming PHP Training Dates
Get Certified PHP Programmer
Upon Successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a certificate from javabykiran for PHP Training.
Java By Kiran offers PHP course which covers Advance Java, MYSQL, HTML, CSS, Jquery etc.,
Once after completion of the course, we conduct placement program.
So for more than 100+ students got placed in the top MNC’s.
Post your resume and Find your dream job from Java Br Kiran.
PHP Training Course FAQ's
Can I do all batches?
Yes, indeed you can take up all batches. Java training batches are framed for your convenience and you can pick as per your necessity.
Can I repeat any of the batch?
Java course batches can be attended repeatedly too till you get the concept clear, we are ready to assist you.
Will Saturday Sunday there will be classes?
Absolutely! Yes, Java classes in Pune are conducted on Saturdays and Sundays too as the syllabus is vast.
How to cover missed classes?
Don’t worry Missed java training sessions can be covered with the help of video Java classes that we post regularly.