
Angular Online and Classroom Training in Pune

Angular, Typescript, JavaScript is the future of front end development in any application in every industry. We take care of everything needed. This technology can be used by Java Python or any other programming language. 

Angular is a JavaScript MVC framework; it is an open source web application framework, created by Google. Angular  is used to create single page applications- with the help of one HTML page, CSS, JavaScript and typescript on the client-side. It simplifies both development and testing of web applications by using client side MVC (Model View Controller). Call us now and mark your admissions soon.

We have both online and classroom training available. Online and Classroom Training has there own unique features.

Online Training Advantages :

  • Flexibility
  • Comfort
  • Saves Traveling Time and Cost
  • Any time you can attend any session
  • Any no of batches can be attended
  • You get personal attention from the trainer as problem-solving done one to one
  • Understanding issues related to other students as we share screen that you can see
  • Lifetime access to study material and tests.

– Why we learn typescript?
– Differences between js and typescript
– advantages of typescript
– Disadvantages of typescript
– Environmental setup (Node.js, typescript)
– Basic Syntax
              1. Identifiers

              2. Keywords

– Typescript & Object Orientated
– Typescript- Types (number, string, boolean, void, null, undefined & User-defined)
– Type Assertions
– Variables (inferred type, Global scope, Class scope, local Scope)
– Operator (Arithmetic, Logical, Relational, Bitwise, Assignment, Ternary/conditional)
– Miscellaneous operator(negation operator, concatenation, Conditional Operator)
– types operator (typeof)
– Control Statement
              1. if statement
              2. if-else statement
              3. else-if and nested if
              4. switch statement
– Loops (While ,for,do-while)
– Functions
             1. optional parameter function
             2. default parameter
             3. Anonymous function
             4. Function Constructor

– Arrow Function
– Typescript Array
– JSON Object
– Class
– Constructor
– Interface
– Inheritance

– Method overriding

– What is angular
– Angular Version History
– Architecture of Angular Apps
– Setting up the Environmental setup
– Structure of Angular Projects
-Creation of component manually & Through CMD
-String Interpolation

– String Interpolation Vs Property Binding
– Property Binding
– Event Binding
– (click) event
– (change)
– (keyup)
– (keydown)
-Style binding
– Two way binding
– bind- use as keyword
– Pipe
– Directives
– Structural directives
                   1 *ngIf, *ngIf else, *ngIf then else
                           3 ngStyle
                           4 ngClass
                           5 ng-template
– Template reference variables
-angular array population [push()]
– removal of element/s from array [splice() and pop() methods]
-iterating an array with index

– Component Interaction
– @Input() 
– @Output()
– @ViewChild()
– Pipe (lowercase |uppercase | currency | Decimal | Date |currency)
– Custom Pipe
– Service & Dependency Injection

– What is Http
– How to connect back End
– Use Of HTTP Service
– Perform Curd Operation
                   – Get
                   – Post
                   – Put
                   – Delete
– What is Observable

– How to Configure the Routes
– Use of router-outlet tag
– Routing using routerlink Directive
– pass Parameter in url & parse it
– pass query parameter in url & parse it
– Programmatic routing (i.e. Using Button)

– Only Overview of Bootstrap
– Bootstrap Grid System
– Use of Form Control Class
– Validation of Template Driven Form
– ngForm
– ngValue
– ngSubmit

Angular Professional Certification

Willing to pursue Angular Training with certification in Pune? Then luckily you have found the right place. We conduct special training sessions on flexible timings. Angular Certification in Pune becomes very simpler when you choose our experts. Come let’s make something awesome together!

Successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a certificate from javabykiran for Angular Training.

Angular Training Placement

And, what’s the reason behind choosing our Java training! Is that “Placement”. Never regret anymore! We offer Angular  Training with Placement. Get Placed After Java Training and create a perfect future for yourself. We create more opportunities and get you placed in the right organizations.

Java By Kiran offers Angular course which covers Advanced Versions of angular and typescript as well. After completion of the course, we conduct a placement program. So far more than 1000+ students got placed in the top MNC’s.

Angular Training Course FAQ's

Yes, indeed you can take up all batches. Java training batches are framed for your convenience and you can pick as per your necessity.
Java course batches can be attended repeatedly too till you get the concept clear, we are ready to assist you.
Absolutely! Yes, Java classes in Pune are conducted on Saturdays and Sundays too as the syllabus is vast.
Don’t worry Missed java training sessions can be covered with the help of video Java classes that we post regularly.

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